Mythful Meanings

In the English language, many meanings come from myths. This blog considers many of those words.

Myths are stories people tell to explain the great mysteries of life, such as birth and death, why the sun rises and sets, and why the moon changes in a predictable pattern.

I decided to start over from the end of the alphabet and work toward the beginning. I have a stack of index cards with information typed on them, all in alphabetical order. When I started this blog, I started at A, because I didn't realize that all the entries would be pushed down.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


In Roman myth, Castor and Pollux were the sons of Leda and Jupiter, who appeared to her in the guise of a swan. That creates a vivid image, a woman seduced by a swan. Castor was noted for taming and managing horses, which were essential to the Romans. Pollux was noted for boxing. The two of them were among the argonauts. During a storm on the voyage of the Argos, Orpheus played the harp and prayed for relief. The storm abated, and stars appeared over the heads of Castor and Pollux. When Castor was killed in battle, Pollux was so inconsolable, Jupiter set them among the stars as the constellation Gemini, "the twins".

English word: In English, Gemini is the name of the zodiacal constellation described. As a result, it is also used in astrology. It happens to be my own astrological sign.

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